What Are Your Top 5 Strengths?
One thing I’ve learned in my short career is that things don’t always go as planned. You can have everything precisely mapped out–then life happens. As much as we want…
How Losing My Job Helped Me Grow
The look on my manager’s face returning from a meeting said it all. Life was throwing me a curveball. My department level was getting cut and I was losing my…
6 Brand Marketing Examples: Good and Ugly of Coronavirus
Staying at home is the #1 recommended activity. School doors are physically closed–making parents impromptu teachers. Zoom is the new everyday conference room. The way we live and work has…
Hey there 👋 I'm Michael. Welcome to my little corner of the internet!
Life's a journey. Success doesn't have a one size fits all timeline. Everyone has a different path.
Here you'll learn about my journey. And some thoughts along the way.